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Edmond Family Counseling Articles

Article Summaries

Family Roles

27 May 2015
By John Goetz, LPC

Families come in all shapes and sizes. They are unique systems that deserve respect and reverence. As systems, families have multiple levels of interactions and dynamics. These interactions and dynamics have long been a rich field for researchers to explore. Some of ...

In The Good Ol’ Summertime

08 May 2015

By Belinda Crosier, LPC, LADC

Oh, those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer!  They’re almost here, & with them, come expectations by parents & children about what those days will render...

Teens and Smartphones

23 April 2015

By Quinton Ellis

Hey. Remember that societal conversation we never had about whether kids should be given that exact same technology as their parents simply because they all want it? Well, we really ought to revisit that discussion again for the first time.

The first IPhone was released in June of 2007. I remind you of this in o...

“Prevention is Key: Let’s Start with the Man in The Mirror.”

01 April 2015

By Chad McCoy, M.A.

Just like in any disease or illness: Early Prevention is key.  From cancer to depression, the earlier problems are identified, the more adept we can be in treating and addressing these problems.  Depression i...

What is the “right” way to parent?

09 March 2015

By Amanda Percival, M.A., LPC Candidate

Parenting can be a controversial topic.  What is the “right” way to parent?  Haven’t we all been quick to judge another parent at the supermarket or restaurant whose child is not behaving appropriately according to our standards?  I know I have, especially before ...

Marijuana Is Still Illegal in OK

11 February 2015

By Darcy McConnell, LADC, LPC

Twenty-three states and the District of Columbia currently have laws legalizing marijuana in some form or another. Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, and Washington have legaliz...

Kids and Entitlement

21 January 2015

Teen: “My sadness is infinite and beyond your understanding.”

Parent: “Uhhh…okay.”

Teen: “Also, I need mone...

The Rush to Normalcy

01 January 2015

By Chad McCoy, M.A.

It’s an odd thing, ya know? The first 18 or so years of our lives we do nothing but grow and, hopefully, achieve until the day we graduate high school.  Even then many of us spend much more time achieving through college to land that job that we will inevitably spend the rest of ...

State of the (Marital) Union

16 December 2014

By Belinda Crosier, LPC, LADC, Edmond Family Counseling

5 Tips to Have a Healthier Marriage in 2015

It’s easy to get so busy & preoccupied with daily life, not to mention the holidays, that we slip into patterns of behavior that can cause distance & discord between ourselves and the one we committed to “til death do ...

Positive Reinforcement

02 December 2014

By John Goetz

Ferguson, Missouri, Bill Cosby, a lack of a nuclear agreement with Iran, the rise of ISIS in the Middle East, and the threat of Ebola to name few of the ongoing local, national, and worldwide crisies and scandals. One might be tempted to see the world as a place of struggle, conflict, and crisis where...

Grandparents as Parents

30 September 2014

By Belinda Crosier, LPC, LADC 

Over 8% of Oklahoma children are being provided some level of care by their grandparents. For many, the “golden years” become just another cycle of childrearing. The number of grandparents who provide primary care for their grandchildren is growing for a variety of reasons; parental de...

Parenting through Divorce

10 September 2014

By John Goetz, LPC 

If you are a legal adult, a person who has attained the age of majority and is therefore regarded as independent, self-sufficient and responsible, you will immediately recognize my following statement to be true: life is hard.

Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Z...


20 August 2014

By Darcy McConnell, LPC, LADC

Have you heard about GirlStrong at Edmond Family Counseling? It is starting September 9th and is a popular program for girls ages 12-16. You may enroll by phone at 405-341-3554. Cost is $150 for the 6 week group. Below is one of the facilitators, Darcy McConnell, LPC, LADC perspective on the group and the...

Back to School Detox for Teens

30 July 2014

By Quinton Ellis, LPC

It’s already begun for many of Edmond’s teenagers. The impatience. The terrible, burning desire to get back into a classroom. To know what it feels like to learn

I’ll go to the gym...

20 July 2014
Edmond Life and Leisure Article

By Chad McCoy, M.A.

So the other day I went to the gym. I walked in, they scanned my fob, and I set out to accomplish something that I’ve never accomplished before. With any great feat of strength there is much to prepare prior to hitting up the gym: I read articles and watched videos from prof...

Contestant No. 18, Come on Down -The Price of Your Choices

20 July 2014

By John Goetz, LPC

Some of you immediately recognize the announcer’s call from the game show “The Price is Right”. This is a game show where lucky contestants are given an opportunity to win “fabulous gifts and prizes” based on the choices they make. The contestant might start by winning $200 and is then gi...

Why Generation Y Yuppies Are Unhappy

06 May 2014
It’s funny because it’s true. I tend to enjoy anything that effectively challenges the increasing narcissism we see around us, including my own. This article is a pretty accurate description of me at a younger age. It’s made a lot of other people angry, which confirms my suspicion that self-absorption is inversely correlated wi...

Smartphones: Toy or Tool for Kids

19 April 2014

By Sheila Stinnett, LPC

Do you consider your child’s smartphone or mobile device a toy or a tool? With advances in technology a phone in the hand of a child is not just a hand held video gaming system. It is a functional computer just as powerful as the desk top computer setting in the corner of your home. This power reminds me...

Be Ahead of the Curve Teens and Summer Jobs

01 April 2014

By Quinton Ellis, M.S., LPC

Summer is fast approaching and everyone I know seems just thrilled about that. And even though our suspiciously artic winter was, I’ll admit, a tad uncomfortable, I do not share their enthusiasm. Summer is, in fact, the winter of my personal discontent. In this, I am not alone, as many of the parents of t...

The Era of Technology: The Case for Digital Dementia

15 January 2014

By Chad McCoy

Technology: The necessary evil; sometimes. It is almost impossible to go throughout your day without relying or using technology. Let me rephrase that: It is impossible. At least 10 times a day I find myself checking my fancy, spancy iPhone for one reason or another; unless I’m at work. I never check it at work, bos...

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