Article Summaries
21 March 2017
By: Belinda Crosier, LPC, LADC
A fascinating, but frustrating, phenomenon that therapists witness much more than we would like is that of the self-sabotage syndrome. You’ve probably observed it in someone you love – or maybe even yourself – even though you may not have realized it at the time. It’s very common in p...
Depression Can Be Hard to Spot in Children
09 January 2017
By: Amanda Percival, Staff Therapist
There are some words that individuals use in regard to mental health that are used to communicate a wide range of symptoms. “Depression” is just one of those words. I frequently have clients that say they are depressed. Or on the flip side, I may have a client that veh...
What Grandma Said or Eat your Beets
09 January 2017
By: John Goetz, LPC
First and foremost, I must wish a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all. It has been an interesting end to 2016. Between the elections, fall semester finials, the holiday season, bedlam football, and looking forward to a New Year, this can be a very hectic time of year. During Thanksgiving, ...
Try to be an “8” Percenter in 2017
09 January 2017
By: Chad McCoy, M.A., LPC
Christmas has come and gone. The relatives dispersed, the kids satiated with gifts, and the credit card bills have not yet arrived. What’s next? New Year’s Resolutions of course! Before you put pen to paper to craft yours, I have a few thoughts to consider. ...
Nothing is as it seems; or at least how it seems to you or me
13 October 2016
By Chad McCoy, M.A., LPC
Now more than ever, I am increasingly impressed by the power of perception. Time after time, event after event, I find myself leaving a situation with what I believe to be the “truth” of the situation only to find out later that it was not at all as it seemed. We’ve all been there, and it makes ...
Parents Helping Parents
13 October 2016
Quinton Ellis, LPC, Edmond Family Counseling
Here’s a ‘thought experiment’ question I can’t quit asking people. A college has only one spot left for two applicants. The first has a 3.5 GPA and no criminal record. The other has a 2.9 GPA but has overcome drug/alcohol addiction. Who will the school admit? By what rationale?
...Have You Make Your Summer Memories Yet?
21 July 2016
By Amanda Percival, Staff Therapist, Edmond Family Counseling
As I’m writing this article, I am counting the days until school begins again. Didn’t school just let out? I remember being so ready for summer time when my children were little. Of course, I also remember being equally ready for school to begin again; to occupy them and...
Parenting Shouldn't Be Forever
13 May 2016
By Belinda Crosier, LADC, LPC
So we get to the blessed, anticipated stage of having raised & launched our children, looking forward to doing some things we’ve always looked forward to – or maybe just doing nothing except whatever the mood inspires – and then what to our wondering eyes behold, but an adult child on the doorstep ...
Do You Know Your Teen’s Love Language
14 April 2016
By Amanda Percival, Staff Therapist
One of the reasons that I pursued a career as a therapist was my desire to help strengthen others' relationships. I love to work with couples and families. Although the majority of the clients I see are teens, one common thread many of the teens have is a lack of feeling loved and acc...
Prom Night Parenting? Yes, Please!
07 April 2016
By Darcy McConnell, LADC
Prom night has sure changed over the years. After listening to teenagers talk about their plans it’s reminiscent of a mini trip to Las Vegas. The stuff that teenage dreams are made of! Hundreds of phones calls and thousands of text messages will be exchanged about plans and attire. Girls wil...
Do it Yourself Marriage Counseling
08 March 2016
By John Goetz
The idea of self-help and self-improvement has been around as long as I can remember. Dale Carnegie wrote The Art of Public Speaking in 1910 and followed it up with a series of self-help books through 1990. This past weekend I changed brake pads on my car after first consulting a You Tube video. Americans spend their w...
Unemployment: Next Steps to Recovery
18 February 2016
Belinda Crosier, LPC, LADC
“It was the best of times – and the worst of times.” So reads a quote from Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities, which could accurately describe the current economic climate in Oklahoma. We have enjoyed a mostly thriving economy in Oklahoma for some time, as evidenced by ...
Micro-aggression on the College Campus
08 February 2016
by Quinton Ellis, LPC
There was a time in my young life when the only thing I knew for sure about college was that they had toga parties. These days, the only thing I know for sure about toga parties is that they will result in your expulsion from college. Much like Christmas, (also not welcome on campus), college seemed a lot cooler ...
Your Teen Might Be Entitled If…
23 December 2015
By Darcy McConnell, LPC, LADC
What are a teenager’s rights? Hopefully we can all can agree that teens have the right to be treated as a human being by friends, family and associates. While every family is different, each teen deserves someone to provide support, comfort and to remain safe from physical and emotional violence. The...
How to Talk to Children about Grief, Loss and Tragedies
25 November 2015
By Sheila Stinnett, LPC
28 October 2015
By Belinda Crosier
It seems there’s never an end to what people will try, in order to take the effects of a mind-altering substance to the next level. Something we’ve been hearing about that is now making news headlines, is “wax”, a highly concentrated form of marijuana, obtained through a dangerous process inv...
A Movie to see With your Teen? Yes!
28 October 2015
By Quinton Ellis, LPC
Being a Chronic Procrastinator
13 August 2015
By Sheila Stinnett
As the last days of summer are upon us, I would like to discuss a behavior which continually haunts me, is unproductive and generally just makes me feel bad, my urge to procrastinate. When I glanced at my refrigerator this morning, I saw plastered to its front, my ambitious list of...
Heroin Crisis
23 July 2015
By Darcy McConnell
The United States Drug Enforcement Agency figures show a four-fold increase in heroin seizures along the southwest border since 2008: 4,653 pounds of heroin was confiscated in 2013, with the amount of pure heroin more than doubling. The National Drug Threat Assessment Summary reported: “The increase...
The BeEdmond App: Connecting Teens to Support Close to Home
05 July 2015
If you know a teen or a tween, you know that there is only one thing more vital than oxygen, the essential, ever-present, possibly broken screened cell phone. It has become the primary mode of communication and connection with the world at large for the overwhelming majority of kids. If you were still clinging to the hope that we would some...