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GirlStrong Day Camp was created to provide youth in our community the opportunity to receive research-based life skills instruction to boost self-esteem, develop positive coping strategies and improve peer relationships. All sessions will include two or more lessons on how to successfully build and improve skills in areas such as assertiveness, self-confidence, conflict resolution, emotional regulation, decision making, stress management, goal setting, developing positive friendships, and communication. Each day of camp ends with an art therapy project focused on a particular life skill or strategy related to the curriculum presented on that specific day.

GirlStrong Day Camps are run 5 days a week from 9A.M.-12P.M. throughout the summer.

For more information about GirlStrong, contact EFC at 405-341-3554.

Download the 2024 GirlStrong Enrollment Packet

Click the flyer to download it as a PDF.

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