Ways to Build Resilience

By Lisa Kadavy, Edmond Family Counseling
What is resilience? Resilience is the ability to withstand adversity and bounce back from difficult life events. Being resilient does not mean that people do not experience stress, emotional upheaval and suffering. Life has it ups and downs. We all experience stress in our lives, life-changing events, and setbacks.
It is clear stressful situations are constant and inevitable. Now, more than ever before, resilience is so important. Resilience is our ability to bounce back from the stressors in life. According to Dr. Ginsburg, human development expert, there are 7 integral and interrelated components that make up being resilient. Competence, confidence, connection, character, contribution, coping and control are referred to as the 7 C’s of Resilience as stated by Ginsburg. Certified Health Coach, Jenna Ahlschlager, ACE-CHC, refers to the 5 pillars of resilience during tough times as follows: self-awareness, mindfulness, self-care, positive relationships and purpose. Ahlschlager says we all experience stress. The difference is in those who choose to face it head on and not let it get the best of them. Compartmentalizing these stressors, denying stressors, or burying your head in the sand does not make us resilient individuals. By working through the five pillars as mentioned above, we are much more equipped to manage the stress in our lives in a healthy manner and become more resilient. Let’s explore the five pillars of resilience in more detail.
-Self-awareness is having conscious knowledge of your own personality, including strengths, weaknesses, emotions, and motivations. It allows us to understand how those around us perceive us.
-Mindfulness is our ability to be fully present in the moment and not overwhelmed or reactive to what is going on around us. Every time you bring awareness to your senses, you are practicing mindfulness.
-Self-care looks different for everyone. Practicing or maintaining action to improve our mental and physical health is up to us be intentional about self-care.
-Positive relationships is those people in our lives who support and care for us and who have our support in turn.
-Purpose helps us to shape our mindset and attitude. It allows us to recognize we belong to something bigger than ourselves. Find ways to help others in need. We can find purpose in our family, friends, and community organizations.
Practicing the above-mentioned pillars can reframe our thinking and help us not only manage stress better but impact our well-being for the better! Also, turning setbacks into opportunities for growth can be rewarding. Resilience gives you the ability to rise to the occasion and learn new skills. Struggling with challenges and overcoming obstacles offers opportunities for self-discovery and growth. The experience can enhance your appreciation for life and remind you to be thankful for what you have!
Resilience will not make your problems go away or protect you from trauma. Although, resilience can give you the ability to manage stress and keep functioning physically and psychologically. Some people are more resilient than others, but resilience is an achievable trait for anyone.
(Edmond Family Counseling is a non-profit organization. Our therapists may be reached at 405-341-3554 to schedule a counseling appointment. Donations may be made to Edmond Family Counseling, 1251 N. Broadway, Edmond, OK or online @ www.edmondfamily.org by clicking the YELLOW DONATE button).