Trying to Find Peace in the Chaos

By: Lisa Kadavy
Edmond Family Counseling
Finding peace in chaos can be a challenge for all of us. Very quickly circumstances can spin out of control leaving us in a state of anxiety and restlessness. Developing the ability to find peace in chaos is about maintaining inner balance and clarity regardless of what may be going on in your life. It is not the absence of emotion, but rather the ability to manage emotions.
Inner peace is a state of tranquility where you feel at ease within yourself, others, and the world around you. It is a state of calm, acceptance and contentment. It is knowing who you are in your own skin. Inner peace is something you cultivate within yourself. It is not always possible to get rid of the stress and chaos in life, but there are healthy ways we can learn to manage stress and focus our energy on the things that matter most to find our inner peace.
Perhaps you had a stressful day at work or had an argument with a loved one. Instead of reacting impulsively or letting anxiety take over, take a very deep breath, acknowledge your emotions, and approach the situation calmly and objectively. The ability to maintain a state of calm and balance, even in difficult circumstances, is an example of inner peace.
Peace isn’t something you wish for. It’s something you make, something you do and something you are.
Stress and chaos may impact our physical and mental health. Below are a few ways to manage the chaos in your life:
-Identify what is causing chaos in your life, and it will be easier to deal with the situation. Some things are out of our control, and we cannot change them. Accept the things you cannot change and focus on the things that are within your control.
-Try to practice non-judgment. By practicing non-judgment, you create space for inner peace.
-Practice gratitude. When you find yourself caught up in the chaos, pause and focus on three things in which you are thankful.
-Connect with family and friends. Having others to talk to can help manage your stress. Showing interest in others broadens our horizons and gives us new things to think about. When possible, spend time with others in person and connect.
-Eliminate Clutter. Being surrounded by clutter may cause you to feel overwhelmed. Organizing your space will help you feel more in control.
-Be attuned to your emotions. Music can change your mood in seconds. Listening to music that energizes us can be uplifting. Laughter releases chemicals that naturally make us feel better. Crying also has a physiological effect that releases stress and tension.
-Enjoy nature. Get outside and enjoy the fresh air and world around you.
-Try to focus on one thing at a time. Multi-tasking can create more stress. Slow down and complete a project before taking on another.
Edmond Family Counseling is a non-profit organization. We may be reached at 405-341-3554 to schedule an appointment with one of our licensed professional counselors. Donations may be made to Edmond Family Counseling, 1251 N. Broadway, Edmond, OK 73034, or online @ by clicking the YELLOW DONATE button. Follow us on our Facebook Page @ Edmond Family Counseling for additional information regarding mental health awareness.